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{{shortLifePathLabel([ strToDate(editor[ed.parents[indParentSlot]].date)[2], strToDate(editor[ed.parents[indParentSlot]].date)[1], strToDate([0] - (strToDate([1] < strToDate(editor[ed.parents[indParentSlot]].date)[1] || (strToDate([1] == strToDate(editor[ed.parents[indParentSlot]].date)[1] && strToDate([2] < strToDate(editor[ed.parents[indParentSlot]].date)[2]) ? 1 : 0)]) }} PY
Warning{{warningsForEvent(strToDate(, ed.type).length > 1 ? 's' : ''}} Day or LP:
Advantage{{goodForEvent(strToDate(, ed.type).length > 1 ? 's' : ''}} Day or LP:

Numerology and Astrology Calculators
since January 2023

Calculator / Reading

New search

Numerology is the main metric in Garry's system. Astrology cannot be above numerology, because every sign is numbered (first, second, third, ...), therefore numerology supersedes any form of astrology.

In numerology and Garry's own brand of numerology (which he claims is the true one, unlike other "mainstream" approaches), numbers have certain properties that a person (or object, or idea) inherit when they are born/created.

The birthdate of an individual or place is therefore extremely significant and can define many aspects about that individual or place, under that hypothesis.

In a way, this is a similar concept to astrology, and they go hand in hand in Garry's system.

The 12 main numbers in numerology are:

  • {{it}}

Any bigger number can get reduced into those.
For example:
24 will be 2 + 4 = 6.
38 will be 3 + 8 = 11.
97 will be 9 + 7 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7.

See the characteristics associated with this number:

  • {{trait}}

The 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac are:

  1. {{}}

Each year has a different sign.
It starts on the date of the Chinese New Year which can change each year, and is between January and February.
This means that at the beginning of each year, the sign of the previous year remains for a few more days/weeks.

See the characteristics associated with this sign:

  • {{trait}}

Each sign has friend and enemy signs.
2 friend signs and only one enemy sign for each.
The only ones to have a soulmate sign are the rat and the ox (first and second, 1 and 2 being numbers representing the man and the woman).

Here is a chart of the friend signs (they are in the same color).
Each sign's friend sign is 4 positions away.
Example: Rat is 1. 1 + 4 = 5. dragon is 5. so Dragon is friend with Rat. As a result, there are 4 trines (groups of 3 friend signs).

Rat - Dragon - Monkey
Ox - Snake - Rooster
Tiger - Horse - Dog
Cat - Goat - Pig.

Here is a chart of the enemy signs (they are in the same color).
Every enemy sign is on the other side of the wheel, 6 positions away.
Example: Rat is first. 1 + 6 = 7. So the Horse, in 7th position, is enemy sign with the Rat, and vice-versa.

The 12 signs of the Western Zodiac are:

  1. {{}}

Western Astrology is the least important in the GG33 system.
By itself, it is said to not be accurate most of the time.
Please keep that in mind when reading the information below.

See the characteristics associated with this sign:

From {{it.dates[0][1]}}/{{it.dates[0][0]}} to {{it.dates[1][1]}}/{{it.dates[1][0]}}
  • {{trait}}

Letters are numbered too, through their position in the alphabet.
A is the first letter, so a = 1, and z the last one, so z = 27.
Uppercase letters continue from lowercase z. Lowercase z = 28, so uppercase A = 28, B = 29, etc.

{{le}} {{getLetterBothNumbers(le)[0]}} {{redNum(getLetterBothNumbers(le)[0])[0] != getLetterBothNumbers(le)[0] ? redNum(getLetterBothNumbers(le)[0])[0] : ''}} {{le.toUpperCase()}} {{getLetterBothNumbers(le)[1]}} {{redNum(getLetterBothNumbers(le)[1])[0] != getLetterBothNumbers(le)[1] ? redNum(getLetterBothNumbers(le)[1])[0] : ''}}
You can test this out on entire words using the text reduction.
Search a person
If you find the person you are looking for among the choices below, please click on it, the chart below will be updated with the person's birth date.
{{}} ({{x.descr}})
Birthday found. See above.
Enter a birthdate

Life Path {{reduceDate(makeDate())[0] == 33 && findYearSign(year, month, day).id == "snake" ? "Pure " : ""}} {{reduceDate(makeDate())[0]}} / {{getCompoundLifePath(makeDate())}}
/ /
{{findSkySign(day, month).name}}
{{getSkySignPosition(findSkySign(day, month).name)}}
secondary energy
{{split_day_of_year(year, month, day)}}
{{withNumbering(getWeekNumber(year, month, day)[1])}} week
{{findYearElement(year, month, day).name}}
{{findYearSign(year, month, day).name}}
{{getEarthSignPosition(findYearSign(year, month, day).id)}}
{{ year == currentYear && month == currentMonth && day == currentDay ? 'Today' : (age(year, month, day) + " year" + (age(year, month, day) != 1 ? "s" : "") + " old") }}
{{shortLifePathLabel([day, month, currentYear - (currentMonth < month || (currentMonth == month && currentDay < day) ? 1 : 0)])}} Personal Year ({{currentYear}})
{{findYearSign(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay).name}}, {{findRelationshipEarthSigns(findYearSign(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay), findYearSign(year, month, day))}}
Click to see the full personal timeline
Died the {{[1]}}/{{[0]}}/{{[2]}} (a {{lifePathLabel(}} day) at {{ageDiff([day, month, year],}} years old
In a {{shortLifePathLabel([day, month,[2] - ([1] < month || ([1] == month &&[0] < day) ? 1 : 0)])}} personal year
In a {{findYearSign([2],[1],[0]).name}} year, {{findRelationshipEarthSigns(findYearSign(year, month, day), findYearSign([2],[1],[0]))}},
In a {{findSkySign([0],[1]).name}} season
Your name
(only a to z letters)
First letter of each name:

Calendar / Horoscope

{{ye[1][0] == 1 ? 'Jan' : 'Feb'}}. {{ye[1][1]}}

Go to:
First day of the western zodiac:
Selected date: (click in the grid)
{{calendar.currentDate.month}} / {{}} / {{calendar.currentDate.year}} LP {{shortLifePathLabel([, calendar.currentDate.month, calendar.currentDate.year])}} {{}} {{findSkySign(, calendar.currentDate.month).name}}

Date finder / Equation

Find dates that have any numerology/astrology characteristic you want.
All parameters are optional, pick from whichever category.

For example, if you were looking for...:
  • A good day to start a relationship or marry: could be a 6 day, and definitely not a 7 or 9 day.
  • A good day to travel: a 5 day
  • A good day for money matters: 8 or 28
  • A good day to start something influential: master numbers
  • etc.

If you don't know what to look for, then .

Search from


Filter dates by most prevalent number in their chart.

Other available numbers:


Other available traits:
Date components
Day must be: | (reduced)
Month must be: | (reduced)
Year must be: | (reduced)
Life Path must be: | (reduced)

Earth Signs

Allow only the following signs:
Filter priority
You selected a filter for both overall number and traits. Choose to which one you want to give more priority:
Result dates (top 33)
Date {{sel}}
{{res[0][1]}}/{{res[0][0]}}/{{res[0][2]}} LP {{shortLifePathLabel(res[0])}}

Text and number reduction

Reduce a number


Reduce a text

This is what Garry calls 'letterology', similar to simple gematria.
Garry considers the first letter of the name very important, on par or moreso than the Chinese zodiac sign even.
He doesn't say to use the whole name, as that could be more subjective according to him.
Besides the first letter alone, certain syllables for example could be relevant, such as "Ra".

Case sensitive (to have uppercase values be different)

Back to the date calculators

Stats: the number 28 and wealth

Garry's hypothesis is that 28 is the number of wealth, and that people born on the 28th, or whose life path (entire birthdate reduced) adds up to 28, are granted a much better "ability" to make money, compared to people with other numbers ruling their numerology chart.

Garry and GG33 have been posting stats on Twitter. This page is just another attempt at exploring Garry's claim, by pulling from the "real-time" list of Forbes' billionaires (from the 10th of May 2023).
It has limitations, not all birthdates could be retrieved, some were incomplete and had to be excluded, there could be some errors despite the checks, etc. This page will receive updates.

Click here to see them (page is heavy)

Official links

For an official FULL reading go here to the GG33classes website.