This page is unofficial.
All credits for the information go to Garry Grinberg and GG33.
There may be inaccuracies in this page.

7CATYEAR — #GG33 unofficial

Garry's numerology and astrology

Birthday Reading

Type a birthdate and get an instant numerology-astrology profile.
You can also look up famous people's names.
This is only an instant reading using collected public information.
For an official FULL reading go here to the GG33classes website.

Enter a birthdate:

Life Path {{(getComplexNumberString(makeDate()) == 33 && findYearSign(year, month, day).id == "snake" ? "Pure " : "") + getComplexNumberString(makeDate()) + (getComplexNumberString(makeDate()) == 33 && (day != reduceDateComponent(day)[0] || month != reduceDateComponent(month)[0]) ? "/6" : "")}}
/ /
{{findSkySign(day, month).name}}
{{getSkySignPosition(findSkySign(day, month).name)}}
partial energy

{{findYearSign(year, month, day).name}}
{{getEarthSignPosition(findYearSign(year, month, day).id)}}
{{split_day_of_year(year, month, day)}}
{{age(year, month, day)}} years old
{{getComplexNumberString([month, day, currentYear - (currentMonth < month || (currentMonth == month && currentDay < day) ? 1 : 0)])}} Personal Year
Or search a person:
If you find the person you are looking for among the choices below, please click on it, the chart above will be updated with the person's birth date. And below this block are more detailed informations.
{{}} ({{x.descr}})
Birthday found. See above.


You are a Life Path {{getComplexNumberString(makeDate()) + (getComplexNumberString(makeDate()) == 33 && (day != reduceDateComponent(day)[0] || month != reduceDateComponent(month)[0]) ? "/6" : "")}}.


Does this description fit you well?

If it doesn't, it may mean you are going against your strengths.

  • {{trait}}

You are a Life Path 33/6, and not just 33, because your day number or your month number isn't either single digit or a master number (meaning it reduces to another number).

Being a 33/6 means you will oscillate during your life between 33 and 6.

Here is the description for the number 6:

  • {{trait}}
You are a Pure 33 Life Path, because your earth sign is the snake, which is the most connected to the number 33: 33 A.D., 333 A.D., 633, 933, 1233, 1533, 1833, and 2133 are (or will be) snake years.
The image of the ouroboros, the snake forming a circle by eating its own tail, also matters.

The number obtained from the day of birth itself is second in importance: {{getComplexNumberString(day)}}.


Your reduced day number happens to be the same as your reduced whole birthdate number. So it just reinforces it.

Traits associated with this number:

  • {{trait}}

Note: Your life path and your day numbers are different, so you have traits of both, but the life path number supersedes the number of the day itself.

You are in a {{getComplexNumberString([month, day, currentYear - (currentMonth < month || (currentMonth == month && currentDay < day) ? 1 : 0)])}} Personal Year.

You personal year is obtained from your root birthday (month / day) and the year of your last birthday.


Forecast about this year and suggestions on what to focus on and avoid:

{{personalYearsPatch[reduceDate([month, day, currentYear - (currentMonth < month || (currentMonth == month && currentDay < day) ? 1 : 0)])[0]]}}


The number associated with the position of the first letter of your name is also very relevant.
For example, Garry told 'Jumpers Jump' host Carlos the 'c' in his name was mapped to the number 3, the number of communication.

You can enter the first letter of your name here:

(a = 1, b = 2, ..., z = 26. Uppercase letters start from A = 27, following the lowercase 'z').

Your first letter is mapped to the number {{getFirstLetter()[0]}} in lower case and {{getFirstLetter()[1]}} in upper case.

Lower case '{{name.charAt(0).toLowerCase()}}': {{getComplexNumberString(getFirstLetter()[0])}}

Traits associated with this number:

  • {{trait}}

Upper case '{{name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}}': {{getComplexNumberString(getFirstLetter()[1])}}

Traits associated with this number:

  • {{trait}}

Chinese Astrology

Next in order of accuracy in this system is said to be the Chinese Astrology, or Vietnamese Astrology, or Earth Astrology.

The sign of your birth year is the {{findYearSign(year, month, day).name}}.


  • {{trait}}

Friend signs:

Soulmate sign:
The rat and the ox are the only signs of the earth zodiac to be soulmates.
Rat is the first sign, 1 representing the masculine, and the ox is the second sign, 2 representing the feminine.

Enemy sign:
{{findEnemySign(findYearSign(year, month, day)).name}}

The recommendation concerning the enemy sign is to avoid being too close with people or objects, or places, that have this energy: to not get married with someone from an enemy sign, to not drive a car from a company founded in a year of the enemy sign, etc. as well as staying away from the real life animal of the enemy sign, or its cousin species. Every 12 years an enemy year occurs, it is likely these years have been worse for you. It is recommended to lay low in enemy years.

Suggestions for the current year:
It is your enemy year. The general idea is to lay low, not getting married, or having a child, or starting a business, or buying a house, etc. Avoiding changing jobs or quitting your current one. Avoiding too much "flexing" or being arrogant. Avoiding risky situations or activities, such as those that could lead to physical injury. Build yourself up for the next year. Having spare money is preferable.
It is a friend year or your own year: Go hard, go big. Start the business that you were thinking about. Sleep less and live more. Hesitate less and do, without waiting.
It is a neutral year. If you have big plans, it might be preferable to wait for a friend year, which is not so far.

Suggestions of plans for the next year:
It will be your enemy year. The general idea is to lay low, not getting married, or having a child, or starting a business, or buying a house, etc. Avoiding changing jobs or quitting your current one. Avoiding too much "flexing" or being arrogant. Avoiding risky situations or activities, such as those that could lead to physical injury. Build yourself up for the next year. Having spare money is preferable.
It will be a friend year or your own year: Go hard, go big. Start the business that you were thinking about. Sleep less and live more. Hesitate less and do, without waiting.
It will be a neutral year. If you have big plans, it might be preferable to wait for a friend year, which is not so far.

Western Astrology

Western Astrology is considered to account for only a smaller part of the horoscope in the GG33 system, the numerology and Chinese astrology taking precedence by a wide margin.

Your zodiac sign is: {{findSkySign(day, month).name}}.


  • {{trait}}

Share this link with people so they can see this quick birthday reading: (click to copy)

{{'' + month + '/' + day + '/' + year}}
{{'' + month + '/' + day + '/' + year}}

'Reading' of today's date


Today is the {{currentMonth + '/' + currentDay + '/' + currentYear}}.

We are in a {{getComplexNumberString(currentYear)}} universal year.


Forecast about this year and suggestions on what to focus on and avoid:


The sign of the current year is the {{findYearSign(getCurrentYear()).name}}.

The cat is smart and plays mind games. Plotting and mind games should play an important role this year. It is recommended to go with the energy, with the exception of laying low in case it is your enemy year (see birthday reading).

We are in a {{getComplexNumberString(currentDate)}} universal day.


Forecast for today and suggestions on what to focus on and avoid:


We are secondarily in a {{getComplexNumberString(currentDay)}} day.


Forecast for today and suggestions on what to focus on and avoid:


Stats: the number 28 and wealth

Garry's hypothesis is that 28 is the number of wealth, and that people born on the 28th, or whose life path (entire birthdate reduced) adds up to 28, are granted a much better "ability" to make money, compared to people with other numbers ruling their numerology chart.

Garry and GG33 have been posting stats on Twitter. This page is just another attempt at exploring Garry's claim, by pulling from the "real-time" list of Forbes' billionaires (from the 10th of May 2023).
It has limitations, not all birthdates could be retrieved, some were incomplete and had to be excluded, there could be some errors despite the checks, etc. This page will receive updates.

Top billionaires selected (some will be missing):
/ {{billionaires.length}}

Graph 1a: Billionaires by Life Path Graph 1b: Billionaires by "raw" Life Path (non-reduced) Graph 2a: Billionaires by day of month Graph 2b: Billionaires by day of month (reduced)

Show billionaires by number:

By Life Path:
or by day of month:

Show top billionaires:

Show billionaires whose name starts with 'B' (= 28):

Show billionaires by sign:

Search a billionaire:

{{billsSelected.length}} results: {{roundPct(billsSelected.length / billionaires.length)}}%
{{b[8][1]}}/{{b[8][0]}}/{{b[8][2]}} LP{{(getComplexNumberString([b[8][1],b[8][0],b[8][2]]) == 33 && findYearSign(b[8][2],b[8][1],b[8][0]).id == "snake" ? "Pure " : "") + getComplexNumberString([b[8][1],b[8][0],b[8][2]]) + (getComplexNumberString([b[8][1],b[8][0],b[8][2]]) == 33 && (b[8][0] != reduceDateComponent(b[8][0])[0] || b[8][1] != reduceDateComponent(b[8][1])[0]) ? "/6" : "")}}
${{b[4]}} B - {{b[6]}}
Rank: {{b[2]}}
Graph 3a: Billionaires by earth sign (Chinese/Vietnamese astrology) Graph 3b: Fortune by earth sign (Chinese/Vietnamese astrology) Graph 4a: Billionaires by western astrology (considered least important by GG33) Graph 4b: Fortune by western astrology (considered least important by GG33)